Yum Learning

Yum Wrap – Irregular musings on film, art and media

wanna jam in some digestible chunks of pd when you have a spare 15 minutes?

sure you do.

welcome to yum’s all new pd dispenser; short videos gathered from across the web that have inspired and informed us and that we want to share.

first click of the wheel sees Tina Roth Eisenberg a.k.a swissmiss presenting at the PSFK Conference earlier this year.

swissmiss was born out of Tina’s need to keep track of things she found inspiring and has since been transformed into a hugely successful and highly influential design blog.

at yum, as a team we’ve worked hard to developed a culture (and a user friendly method) of sharing things that inspire us as individuals and things that are inspiring to the work we do. we have lots of discussion (online and in the studio) about the things we find and how we can apply them to specific projects or to bigger picture thinking within the company. like swissmiss we aim to make it not just about how we share but why we do it.

Tina’s talk also points us to how blogging has taken shape as as the web and social media have developed all over a relatively short period of time. cool hunting is another notable example of this evolution and worth checking out.

we hope you enjoy the first instalment from the dispenser and we’d love to know how do you collate and use the things that inspire you?

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