Yum Learning

Yum Wrap – Irregular musings on film, art and media

iPhone app of the week: Morse-it

by | Oct 12, 2009 | blended learning, Creative Media, Erin M McCuskey, Michael Gwyther, yumproductions

Morse-it: Well cant exactly remember why or how the topic came up at a recent function but the bet was made that there was an iPhone app for morse code….and well here it is. Basically two use’s that i can think of for this app. The first being useless fun! the second obviously being if you get lost on an island somewhere and need to signal for rescue, although someone may want to test the distance this an actually be seen from before relying on this as a reliable rescue plan 🙂

The app itself is pretty simple and well designed. With the ability to type in text to be translated to morse, tap in morse direct, learn the entire morse code alphabet, it can even translate morse code from another iPhone through the microphone (i have yet to test this however). So all in all this app is some fun and may even save your life one day. Cant go wrong there.

1 Comment

  1. John

    It would be nice if Morse it could send Text msgs. Tap the code then the letters appear, then send. If you know some morse code , you can text with one finger!


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